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Media 2020 Conference

BRINGING MEDIA TO THE FUTURE: Radio Romania and Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union.



By the year 2020, broadcasting is expected to undergo substantive transformations. Among these would be those catalysed by audiences on diverse platforms for media consumption, as opposed to the broadcasting platform only. Radio and TV content consumption on mobile phones, Internet (OTT) and hybrid platforms will continue to challenge the ingenuity of the broadcasters and content creators to maintain their market lead and also preserve their audiences. This is a huge challenge for the media industry, both broadcast and social media, and to meet this challenge the industry needs to make the content offering more attractive, more directed to niche audiences, more interactive and, specifically, targeted to the younger audience.


Left: Javad Mottaghi – Secretary-General of the ABU. Right: Ovidiu Miculescu – President and General Director of Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation

It would be interesting to observe how the media broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific and Europe approach this challenge and this opportunity. This conference, which would be based on the confluence of broadcasters and media industry from Europe and Asia, would provide a platform for eminent industry professionals of the two regions to articulate how the media industry would develop in their respective areas. It would be interesting to note the commonalities and the specific initiatives taken or that would be taken by broadcasters in these two regions.

Media2020 Conference is the first such event organised by Radio Romania and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. This gathering of media industry players is expected to attract a great deal of attention from broadcast media and other media players across the world.

The Conference was held in Bucharest, Romania, from 30 June to 1 July 2015.


Left: Javad Mottaghi – Secretary-General of the ABU. Middle: Bogdan Aurescu – Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Right: Ovidiu Miculescu – President and General Director of Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation


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