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Romanian PM responds to Hungarian Ambassador’s accuses

The Romanian Government cannot tolerate endlessly the inadmissible accuses of the Hungarian ambassador to Bucharest.



Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta has declared that he respects Hungary and the Hungarian people, but that he will not fall in the trap of the challenges that Budapest has set. Ponta claims that the Romanian Government cannot tolerate endlessly the inadmissible accuses of the Hungarian ambassador to Bucharest or any other Hungarian officials that are visiting Romania. In a post on a social network, the Prime Minister ranks the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affair’s position as an extreme balanced one and in accordance with the European standards.

Recently, the Hungarian ambassador to Bucharest has accused Romania of not being interested in getting through with the transport infrastructure between the two countries, while also encouraging the Hungarian people living in Romania to become autonomous.

The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the declarations about a prospect status of autonomy, based on ethnical criterion, are the equivalent of an intervention in the internal affairs of Romania and that they demonstrate that Budapest is not ready yet to respect the framework and the political and judicial foundation of the bilateral relations.


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