The humiliation of a Romanian in the UK

Publicat de Cosmin Meca, 24 iulie 2015, 16:26 / actualizat: 30 ianuarie 2021, 10:58
A Romanian, graduate of the Hull University, UK, was not accommodated at a hotel because the employees believed that the young woman was a prostitute, Hull Daily Mail reports.
Alecsandra Puflea wanted to check in to a room at the Holiday Inn Express, in Ferensway, Hull, together with her boyfriend. The young woman was denied accommodation after the hotel personnel learned that she was Romanian.
The young 22 year old woman had booked the room online and when she arrived, she was told: „Sorry, we do not accept Romanians”.
„It was a dreadful experience. She looked at my ID document and said I could not stay in the hotel. I tried to show the British driver license, but she said I could not stay in the hotel because I am from Romania ” the young woman said.
The hotel has a policy of checking guests who are believed to be involved in illegal activities.
The Romanian filed a complaint with the police .