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Prince Charles helps flourish heritage tourism in Transylvania

Foreign tourists are attracted also by Dracula’s legend or the story of the Carpathian Castle.



                 Heritage tourism in Transylvania has flourished over the last few years, driven by the promotion Prince Charles has been making. Foreign tourists are attracted also by Dracula’s legend or the story of the Carpathian Castle.

charles-viscriTravel agencies offer 7 or 10-day tours which almost all the time include places like Sighisoara, Vlad Tepes’ place of birth, the ruler who would inspire Dracula’s character. The tours also include the fortified churches in Southern Transylvania, which are UNESCO heritage sites and different other castles like the one in Hunedoara or the Bánffy Castle situated in Bonţida, refurbished with Prince Charles’ support. Most of the tourist visiting Transylvania for its historical landmarks come form Hungary, Germany and the UK, according to travel agents.


Prince Charles owns a traditional Saxon house in the village of Viscri. The Prince of Wales has bought and renovated properties in rural Romania to help protect the unique way of life that has existed for hundreds of years through the promotion of sustainable tourism.

His Royal Highness has a long-standing interest in Romania and has visited the country regularly since his first visit in 1998.

The Prince has said that he was particularly moved by the plight of the remarkable fortified Saxon villages in Transylvania which were built centuries ago by German settlers, who were encouraged to go there to help withstand Tartar and Turkish invasions.


On his first visit to Transylvania, The Prince was immediately struck by the precious legacy of this area and said he was „totally overwhelmed by its unique beauty and its extraordinarily rich heritage.”












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