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Media2020 Conference Participants

Oltea Şerban-Pârâu is the director of the Radio Romania Cultural Media Centre.



Oltea Șerban-Pârâu is a music critic and musicologist. She holds a PhD in Musicology from the National University of Music in Bucharest. She has substantial experience in the field of cultural management and in the Romanian press, ranging from radio and newspapers to television and on-line cultural journalism.
She has written and translated articles on Romanian composers for the Larousse Dictionary of Great Musicians, and was responsible for the music section of the Encyclopaedic Dictionary and Smaller Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Her career has also encompassed activity as a musical, artistic and press adviser to musical institutions and prestigious national and international festivals, as the editor of musical publications (Classic CD, Orfeu), and as a jury member for major national and international music competitions. She took a Degree in Musicology at the National University of Music in Bucharest and is currently studying for a doctorate in the same subject. She is a member of the Romanian Union of Composers and Musicologists, the Mihail Jora Union of Music Critics, and the Romanian Association of Women in the Arts.

She has written more than two thousand articles on musical subjects for the press. Likewise, she has made hundreds of radio broadcasts and appeared in numerous television programmes.

She has been awarded a number of major prizes, including the National Audiovisual Council Prize for Originality in Radio Broadcasting in 2002 and the Journalism Prize of the Romanian Union of Composers and Musicologists in 2006.


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