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Death by selfie?

Russian police release brochure after spate of fatal accidents.



Russian police are warning the public of a new danger: Death by selfie. „A cool selfie can cost you your life,” Interior Ministry states in a brochure.


Russia’s police force will hand out the safety guide to students and the general public. According to Russian news agency Tass, there have been more than 10 deaths and about 100 accidents from individuals striking lethal poses this year.

fireThe two-page guide contains infographics that resemble road signs, most of which are based on actual incidents – such as the case of a 21-year-old Muscovite who accidentally shot herself in the head and a teenager from the Ryazan region who died after trying to take a photograph of herself on railway tracks.

Among the precarious situations they warn against are taking selfies with animals, on rooftops and with exposed live wires.


The ministry is inviting the public to get involved through a dedicated section on their web site where you can share potentially deadly situations and even upload your own illustrations.






